Well...it's been awhile since I've posted anything on my blog so I thought this morning would be perfect. I woke up at 4:12am this morning...Saturday...and couldn't go back to sleep. My mind was racing with to do lists and Will was snoring louder than usual...so....I decided to get up. Yes...up out of bed at 4:12am on a Saturday morning. Yikes!!!
The first thing I decided to do was laundry. I started a load and the sat on the couch and updated my Facebook status. I needed every one of my Friends out their to know how crazy I am....I guess. LOL! Anywho....So then what's a girl to do before 5am? I paid bills...and shhhh...don't tell.....but I enjoyed it! I got all of our accounts up to date, filed the paperwork, noted the confirmation numbers for online payments and balanced our checkbook. Whew....that should have made me tired. But no...I'm off to make a grocery list, dust and clean as quiet as possible not to make the sleeping husband. But I'm going mark my words...I will be productive!
I know at some point today I'm going to crash and need to nap....but for now my friends...I am up and accomplished. A pretty good way to start off the weekend if you ask me....and I know...you didn't. LOL!
I hope you all have a very productive and relaxing weekend yourselves.
God Bless!
Angie Collum